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I've been trying to shop around for a budget friendly Drill press. My issue is most drill presses if not all seem to be geared towards wood working. Are there any recommendations?
For a s'simple' tool, there is a huge range of variations, with options and pricing reflecting that.
You can check a lot out here - https://www.elitemetaltools.com/tool-shop/metalworking/drill-presses However, you should find your local hardware stores, especially the larger chains, will have what you need but can't comment on price.
There are many guides available on-line - https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&ei=bHbcX5r8DsLE4-EPwKe7iAQ&q=guide+to+buying+a+metal+drill+press&oq=guide+to+buying+a+metal+drill+press&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzoECAAQRzoGCAAQBxAeOgQIABANOgUIABDNAjoECCEQClC6vxJYyPUSYIH6EmgAcAJ4AIABggKIAcIdkgEGMC4xMi43mAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpesgBCMABAQ&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwia4vTvm9ftAhVC4jgGHcDTDkEQ4dUDCAw&uact=5 - which may help you narrow down your search.
I would suggest you do the usual three part list - things it MUST have, things it MUSTN'T have, and things it would be good TO have - with the last, spend some additional time checking out what accessories and other items that the 'drill could be outfitted with later, for example a slide feed and/or digital readout. If you can't quite afford the one that you want, I'd strongly recommend you save up a bit more because if you cheap out for somethiing that isn't quite up to what you want, it's going to be a lot more expensive, and frustrating, in the long term.
Another option is to check out the on-line auctions and local second hand stores and dealers - you may be able to find an excellent used machine for relatively little money, even pick up some nice extras.