Forum » Motorsport Fabrication Fundamentals » Can't get to 100%

Can't get to 100%

Motorsport Fabrication Fundamentals

Discussion and questions related to the course Motorsport Fabrication Fundamentals

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Hi all,

I'm sure it's something simple as I have watched all modules from start to finish and have yellow ticks beside each one.

Still my course only shows 98% complete.

What do i need to do?



Delivered Concepts

Howdy, same for me. I've the same problem with the hp academy courses, the conclusion wont show as finished. On speaking to them they told me to see if watching a few times helped but it didn't. On there tho, you fill in details for the certificate on the conclusion page so never really bothered me.

On this site however i cant see where the certificate is



It is a common "bug" in the software behind the HPA, RaceCraftHQ, and ETSFAB. As long as you are able to watch everything and get the "certificate of completion" then its all good. If you can't get the "certificate of completion" get onto Ben or Nigel and let them know it is still not working.

Yeah watched everything no worries. Now watched it twice.

I can't get to the certificate screen.

I have now sent Nigel a message.

Its really messing with my OCD that i don't get the "completed" for videos i have watched. Ill re-run them to see if it fixes things :)

Sorry guys I’ll take it up with the tech crew and see if they can fix it.

same here , cant finish the conclusion

Same here.

Hey team, this is an issue for some accounts that we're working on. The back end can see you have done 100%, but it doesn't translate to the front just to toy with everyone's OCD haha

We're on it, but it is a confusing wee issue and we are working on getting the certificate system up and running for you all first too.

Apologies for the annoyance too, not intended and cheers everyone for letting us know here and via email.

Hello, please add me to the list. Stuck at 98% and completed button sends me to the main page. Thank you.

Myself also please. I'd like to get it ticked over so i can get the certificate :)

Hi , I´m also stuck at 98% , and it messes with my OCD aswell :)

Yep 98% here too. Thanks

woo! 105%

@Ashvr4 proof or it didn't happen ;-)

As asked....

Conclusion now shows finished

Certificate request doesnt, but I like that it's an instant cert and not waiting on the email


Attached Files

Got my certificate today. Cheer ETS crew and i can't wait for your next couse.

@Ashvr4 thanks for that, I was joking but thanks anyway.


Mine is at 98% also.

Nigels eyes must be dry after filming that because I think he only blinked 3 times. ;)

Mine has now changed from 98% to 103%!, however, when I click on certificate it keeps taking me to the registration page.

I have finished and it is stuck on 98% but I clicked on complete and a new tab opened up with a pdf certificate.

@Ashvr4 you're an overachiever mate, I like it haha

Sorry about this guys, I know it is annoying but we will get it sorted. We're working on adding a quiz feature and the way that functions should clear this error up with those that have it.

Same here both hpa racecraft and ets courses progression is stuck and i cant get the few last percentage neither the check mark on the certification video. I tried dissabling the auto-play for this last video and listening again but nothing really work!

I'm new here and the HPA engine course has me at 98%, yet complete with certificate, so no worries there.

Regarding quiz...UGG, a TEST! Kidding, re-enforces learning, which if probably a good thing for me!

Looking forward to the course.