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Hi, i want to do a solid lifter conversion on RB25DET. Is it possible to know what parts i need to buy? Tks
I think you posted this on the wrong website forum - try their HP Academy sister site - https://www.hpacademy.com/forum
Haven't done anything with those engines, but at a minimum I expect a pair of mechanical profile camshafts and the correct replacement parts for converting the hydraulic adjusters to mechanical - depending on the valve train design, this could involve a lot of fiddling. You may also need stronger valve springs, maybe caps and retainers, vernier pulleys, etc. It would be a good time to replace the belt and idlers, water pump, and all those other things that have a service life and are a pain to do as you're already doing that work?
There is also a high likelyhood that you will need to have the pistons machined to prevent valve contact with much more than a stock profile.
Rather than trying to sort out all the pieces yourself, I'd suggest you have a good think about what you want to end up with, from the engine, and buy the parts as a kit - heck, you may find the OEM style hydraulics will work perfectly well with your end goal, and it's a heck of a lot simpler.
Thanks for the advice, for now the engine is forged, and it have a Tomei poncam camshaft 256 in 256 ex. The car made 490cv with the Dino test. The problem is that, when the car goes to 90°, the hidraulic lifter make a bad sound also if its are new.