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Chassis Designers?

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Looking to start a project of making my already light miata even lighter. wanting to do a tube frame chassis to cut a couple hundred pounds but am looking for recommendations on businesses/individuals that would be able to design and "test" the chassis design as the engineering is above me. Thanks all

Just to clarify, are you looking for a full chassis frame you can attach the body panels to, or an 'exo-skeleton' type spaceframe?

There doesn't seem to be much for the former, but quite a few of the latter, even a kit - bear in mind that a kit can be quite a bit cheaper in the long run, as mistakes have already been made, found, and rectified in the design, and the parts required are well established.

You may find some useful info' on the Miate/MX5 forums, such as -

Im looking for a full chassis that includes body mounts and all OEM mounts for instruments and seating. Wanting a stock looking miata that weighs less

Sorry, can't help there - there are some companies offering CF panels and components, but $$$ and not what you're after

Depending on what you're using it for, and your project suggests SOLO/autotests rather than straight line, and if you haven't already addressed it, using lightweight forged wheels with sensible tyre sizes, going for alloy bodied coilovers rather than steel, a lightweight flywheel/clutch assembly, etc, will help. I assume you've already installed lightweight bucket seats for weightsaving and lateral support?